Feature spotlight: Locations map

Manage all camera sites with a bird’s eye view

Jessica Chen
Umbo Computer Vision


The locations map in Umbo’s TruePlatform.
The location map in Umbo’s TruePlatform.

Umbo SI’s with large scale operations need to be able to view and manage all camera sites at a glance. The locations map in Umbo’s TruePlatform, our cloud-based video event management system, gives our users an easy way to do just that.

Not only can you see where your camera sites are via a visual medium, but you can quickly identify pertinent information, such as the number of cameras and which particular cameras are at each site, with a few clicks.

What is it?

Umbo’s locations map is a tool to help users easily overview camera sites. Each site is classified by name, address, and number of cameras. In the map’s sidebar, there is a search function that allows you to search by location name or city, allowing you to easily find locations. By clicking on a location, you can then add or unassign cameras.

What can I use it for?

Umbo users can use the locations map to manage their sites on a locations basis. This feature is useful for SI’s or monitoring centers that oversee hundreds or thousands of cameras spread across a large number of sites that need a bird’s eye view to keep track of them all.

How do I use it?

How to access the locations map.
Access the locations map from these two points.

Once you’ve selected a customer, access the locations map by going to the dashboard and selecting the:

  1. Locations tab
  2. Locations circle next to the Master Admin

On the locations map, you can:

  1. Click on the pins on the map to view a location’s name and the cameras assigned to that location
  2. Use the sidebar to search for and click on the location(s) you’re interested in altering
  3. Add locations using the blue plus button at the top left

After selecting a location, you can:

  1. Modify the location’s name and address
  2. Add cameras
  3. Unassign camera(s)

Need to know

  • Changing a location’s address will affect the site’s timezone.
  • Unassigning a camera is for SI’s who want to pull camera(s) from their customer to the SI’s camera inventory. This is so the camera(s) is available for reassignment.
  • Unassigning a camera will wipe all settings and data from that camera from the cloud. You cannot retrieve this data after you’ve decided to unassign the camera. However, video recorded on your SD card will remain.
  • You can remove more than one camera at a time by selecting multiple at once.

Want to learn more? Visit umbocv.ai and request a demo today, or contact a sales representative at sales@umbocv.com.



Jessica Chen is Umbo Computer Vision’s Content Marketer, where she writes about A.I. and how to make the world a safer place. https://jwchen.journoportfolio.com